These settings are my favourite ones:
- browser.cache.disk.enable = false //I have enough memory
- browser.cache.memory.enable = true
- browser.cache.memory.capacity = 10240 //256MB //I wish to limit the memory consumption
- browser.cache.disk.parent_directory = /tmp //when I use tmpfs on Linux for the /tmp directory
- = false //I do not use an antivirus software
- network.http.keep-alive = false
- network.http.proxy.keep-alive = false
- network.http.max-connections = 64
- network.http.max-connections-per-server =32
- network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy =16
- network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server = 12
- network.http.pipelining = true
- network.http.pipelining.maxrequests = 8
- network.http.proxy.pipelining = true
- network.http.request.max-start-delay = 0
- content.notify.interval = 500000
- content.notify.ontimer = True
- content.switch.threshold = 250000
- browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers = 3
- browser.sessionstore.interval = 60000